
ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass (Steam; PC; Регион активации Не для РФ и Китая) ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass (Steam; PC; Регион активации Не для РФ и Китая)
Бренд: Owlcat Games

Get access to the three upcoming DLCs and save on purchasing them individually. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Inevitable Excess New additional campaign. Import your character from the main campaign to the moment of their greatest triumph — their victory over the Worldwound. Answer a plea from a powerful entity and leave Golarion behind to defend the space-time continuum against imminent collapse. Use your unparalleled mythic powers to do battle with truly invincible opponents. This additional campaign offers 7–8 hours of gameplay. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Through the Ashes New additional campaign. The demon attack on Kenabres changed the lives of many. While the mythic hero and their loyal companions were busy liberating the city, the common folk had to find a way to survive, relying only on their humble skills.Band together with other survivors and try to reach the Defender's Heart tavern, the last foothold of the crusader forces in the city. Choose who will join your group, and make difficult decisions about allocating scarce resources. Remember — in fire-ravaged Kenabres, every scroll and potion could make the difference not only in an individual fight, but also to your very survival. Act in the group's best interests or focus solely on your own well-being. Import your choices to the main campaign and look forward to seeing this story develop in other DLC. This additional campaign offers 6–7 hours of gameplay. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – The Treasure of the Midnight Isles A new rogue-like mode with partial integration into the main campaign. In Alushinyrra's port, climb aboard a cursed ship that will transport you to a mysterious whirlpool lost amidst the Midnight Isles. Dive in and discover a dungeon whose proportions you can only guess at. Go exploring in search of glory, loot, and battles, and come face to face with a secret that will benefit either Nocticula, the mistress of the archipelago, or her enemies. The dungeon's levels, created using random zone generation, are populated with various enemies, devious traps, and secret rooms. You will return victorious to Alushinyrra — or else the cursed ship will return on its own, laden with trophies from the last expedition, to await new adventure-seekers.

1255 Руб.

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – The Treasure of the Midnight Isles (Steam; PC; Регион активации Евросоюз) ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – The Treasure of the Midnight Isles (Steam; PC; Регион активации Евросоюз)
Бренд: Owlcat Games

The islands scattered across the dark abyssal ocean hide treasures untold – and horrors unspeakable. Board the grim cursed ship and venture into the unknown to find your fortune... or demise. Explore the vast archipelago full of treasures and dangers in a stand-alone rogue-like mode, or as a part of the main campaign. Try out different builds and party compositions, taking advantage of the enormous variety of the Pathfinder role-playing system – including the mythic paths. Death is just a setback! If a party perishes, its progress can still help you in subsequent playthroughs. Equip new magic weapons, put new magic potions and scrolls on your belt, and challenge both old and new enemies. Discover the secret of the ship that takes you on your journeys – and the truth about the ultimate treasure you're seeking.

970 Руб.

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass DLC (Steam; PC; Регион активации РФ, СНГ) ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass DLC (Steam; PC; Регион активации РФ, СНГ)
Бренд: Owlcat Games

Получите доступ к трём новым дополнениям и сэкономьте на их покупке. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Inevitable Excess Новая дополнительная кампания. Перенесите главного персонажа основной кампании в момент его величайшего триумфа - победы над Мировой язвой. Откликнитесь на просьбу могущественной сущности и покиньте Голарион, чтобы уберечь пространственно-временной континуум от неминуемого краха. Используйте свои непревзойденные мифические силы, сражаясь с поистине непобедимыми противниками. Прохождение этой дополнительной кампании займет примерно 7-8 часов игрового времени. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Through the Ashes Новая дополнительная кампания. Нападение демонов на Кенабрес изменило множество жизней. И пока мифический герой вместе с верными соратниками освобождал город, простым жителям приходилось выживать, уповая лишь на свои скромные силы.Объединитесь с другими выжившими и попробуйте добраться до таверны "Сердце Защитника", где укрепились последние силы крестоносцев. Выберите тех, кто присоединится к вашей группе и принимайте сложные решения, распределяя ограниченные ресурсы. Помните - в охваченном огнем Кенабресе каждый свиток или зелье может решить исход не только одного сражения, но вашего выживания целиком. Действуйте на благо всей группы или заботьтесь исключительно о своем собственном благополучии. Перенесите свои выборы в основную кампанию, и ожидайте развития этой истории в других DLC. Прохождение этой дополнительной кампании займет 6-7 часов игрового времени. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – The Treasure of the Midnight Isles Новый дополнительный rogue-like режим, а также его частичная интеграция в основную кампанию. Взойдите на борт проклятого корабля в порту Алушинирры, который доставит вас к таинственному водовороту, затерянному среди Полуночных островов. Спустившись в него вы обнаружите подземелье, о размерах которого можно только догадываться. Исследуйте его в поисках славы, наживы и хорошей драки, и встретьтесь лицом к лицу с тайной, раскрытие которой поможет хозяйке архипелага Ноктикуле - или ее противникам. Уровни подземелья, созданные при помощи случайной генерации зон, населены разнообразными противниками, изощренными ловушками и секретными комнатами. Возвращайтесь в Алушинирру с победой, иначе проклятый корабль сам вернется назад, привезя собранные в прошлой экспедиции трофеи, чтобы дождаться новых смельчаков.

327 Руб.

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Бренд: Owlcat Games

Откройте историю Крестовых походов Осмельтесь шагнуть на пустоши Мировой язвы, где открывшийся между мирами разлом высвободил всепоглощающий ужас Бездны. Более века соседние страны отважно сражались, пытаясь отбросить демонические полчища назад — но безуспешно. Теперь вам выпал шанс раз и навсегда закончить эту войну, но путь к победе скрыт туманом неясности. Станете ли вы сияющим ангелом, поддерживаемым благородными паладинами? Или могущественным некромантом, властителем орд бессмертной нежити? А может кем-то совсем другим? Возглавьте свою армию и бросьте вызов могущественным повелителям демонов. Ваш крестовый поход приведет в движение цепь событий, которые навсегда изменят вас — и сам мир. ВАШ герой, ваши правила Используйте арсенал из 25 классов, 12 рас и более тысячи заклинаний, уникальных черт и способностей, чтобы создать персонажа мечты, используя гибкость, богатство и глубину правил ролевой системы Pathfinder. ВЕС каждого выбора Все ваши решения имеют больший вес, чем когда-либо прежде. Кто умрёт, а кто будет жить? Кто останется, а кто уйдет? Сделайте свой выбор и посмотрите, как изменится мир вокруг вас. новый подход К сражениям Уничтожайте ваших врагов используя два режима боя: в реальном времени с паузой или пошаговый. Переключайтесь между ними на лету, чтобы всегда иметь возможность подойти к битве тактически, или молниеносно броситься в самую гущу сражения. Набор правил Pathfinder даёт возможность использовать продвинутые боевые манёвры как в пешем строю, так и верхом на верном скакуне. Используйте их с умом! соберите свой отряд Более 10 уникальных компаньонов готовы присоединиться к вашему делу. Заслужите их доверие и уважение, и они станут вашей надежной опорой, какие бы опасности ни подстерегали вас впереди. А если ваши отношения не заладились, что ж... Возможно, пришло время расстаться. возглавьте крестовый поход Одному отряду искателей приключений не под силу очистить землю от демонического зла — чтобы справиться с армией, нужна армия. Возьмите на себя командование крестоносцами и ведите их к победе — и как стратег, управляя битвой с высоты птичьего полета, и как полевой командир в новом тактическом режиме боя. выберите свой путь Откройте девять уникальных мифических путей: получите необычные способности и определите все, что будет происходить дальше. Ваши решения могут превратить вас в праведного Ангела, яростного Демона, мрачного Лича, хитроумного Трикстера, загадочного Эона, мятежного Азату, мудрого Золотого Дракона, ненасытный Шагающий Рой — или же останьтесь смертным и встаньте на тягостный путь к становлению живой Легендой.

601 Руб.

Cussler Clive, Burcell Robin Wrath of Poseidon ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Cussler Clive, Burcell Robin Wrath of Poseidon

The new rip-roaring thriller in the Fargo series from the Grand Master of Adventure, Clive Cussler The legend of Croesus's riches has echoed across millennia. Stolen and hidden by pirates after the Persian King's defeat in 546 BC, his staggering wealth was thought to be lost to history… Treasure-hunters Sam and Remi Fargo know it's out there somewhere. A decade after their search for the King's gold first brought them together, the husband and wife team return to Greece to uncover the hoard that has always eluded them. But they soon learn they're not the only ones looking. The reappearance of a vengeful and ruthless rival forces them into a deadly race against time to find the treasure. And until it's found no one is safe. Least of all Sam and Remi… With all the switchblade plotting, globe-trotting action and explosive intrigue that Clive Cussler has made his own, Wrath of Poseidon delivers another white-knuckle ride from the Grandmaster of Adventure.

2086 Руб.

Oda Eiichiro One Piece. Volume 1 ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Oda Eiichiro One Piece. Volume 1

Join Monkey D. Luffy and his swashbuckling crew in their search for the ultimate treasure, One Piece! As a child, Monkey D. Luffy dreamed of becoming King of the Pirates. But his life changed when he accidentally gained the power to stretch like rubber…at the cost of never being able to swim again! Years, later, Luffy sets off in search of the "One Piece," said to be the greatest treasure in the world... As a child, Monkey D. Luffy was inspired to become a pirate by listening to the tales of the buccaneer "Red-Haired" Shanks. But his life changed when Luffy accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Devil Fruit and gained the power to stretch like rubber...at the cost of never being able to swim again! Years later, still vowing to become the king of the pirates, Luffy sets out on his adventure...one guy alone in a rowboat, in search of the legendary "One Piece," said to be the greatest treasure in the world...

2019 Руб.

Howell A.M. The Secret of the Treasure Keepers ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Howell A.M. The Secret of the Treasure Keepers

From the bestselling and award-winning A.M. Howell, author of The Garden of Lost Secrets and The House of One Hundred Clocks, comes a brand-new thrilling historical mystery of stolen treasure, friendship and deep courage set in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. February 1948. Ruth has been whisked off to the lonely Rook Farm to investigate the discovery of long-buried treasure with her mother. But at the farmhouse, she finds secrets lurk around every corner. Joe, the farmer's son, is hiding something about the treasure, while land girl Audrey watches their every move. But before Ruth can find out more, the treasure is stolen... With a storm coming, Ruth must race to uncover the secrets of the treasure keepers before all of their lives are changed forever.

1141 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset Best Short Stories ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Maugham William Somerset Best Short Stories

Reading the stories of Somerset Maugham is rather like curling up and up listening to the delicious, risque tales of an old, dear and rather wicked friend. You turn the pages and enter a magical world of fabulous characters, are transported to the very place, the villa, the street, the bar, of which he writes. This Macmillan Collector's Library selection features ten of his finest and most vivid stories: 'The Letter', 'The Verger', 'The Vessel of Wrath', 'The Book-Bag', 'The Facts of Life', 'Lord Mountdrago', 'The Colonel's Lady', 'The Treasure', 'Rain' and 'P&O'. This elegant edition of W. Somerset Maugham's Best Short Stories features an afterword by writer and journalist Ned Halley. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

3706 Руб.

Steinbeck John The Grapes Of Wrath ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Steinbeck John The Grapes Of Wrath

An epic story of the nineteen-thirties' Depression which traces the story of one destitute family among the thousands who fled the Dust Bowl to the promise of California, The Grapes of Wrath awakened the conscience of a nation. Awarded the Pulitzer Prize on its appearance in 1939, Steinbeck's novel has been compared in its impact and influence with Uncle Tom's Cabin.

5309 Руб.

Stevenson Robert Louis Treasure Island and The Ebb-Tide ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Stevenson Robert Louis Treasure Island and The Ebb-Tide

The Penguin English Library Edition of Treasure Island and The Ebb-Tide by Robert Louis Stevenson '"One more step, Mr Hands," said I, "and I'll blow your brains out"' In Treasure Island, a weathered old sailor known as Billy Bones arrives at the inn of young Jim Hawkins's parents - and it is the start of an adventure beyond anything he could have imagined. For when Bones dies mysteriously, Jim stumbles across a map of a mysterious island in his sea chest - where 'X' marks the spot of a stash of buried pirate gold. Setting sail with his friends on the ship Hispaniola to recover the treasure, Jim soon realizes that he's not the only one who knows about the hoard. Suddenly he is thrown into a world of treachery, mutiny, castaways and murder and, at the centre of it all, is the charming but sinister Long John Silver, who will stop at nothing to grab his share of the loot... The Ebb-Tide, a short novel published the year of Stevenson's death, is also a rollicking seafaring adventure, narrating the voyage of a stolen ship whilst exploring such themes as imperialism, violence, dishonesty, Christianity and corruption. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

1341 Руб.

Stevenson Robert Louis Treasure Island ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Stevenson Robert Louis Treasure Island

One of the best-loved adventure stories ever written, Treasure Island's timeless tale of pirates, lost treasure maps, mutiny and derring-do has appealed to generations of readers ever since Robert Louis Stevenson penned it in 1881 with the claim: "If this don't fetch the kids, why, they have gone rotten since my day". But more than just a children's classic, the novel is considered to be one of the greatest feats of storytelling in the English language, with characters such as the unforgettable Long John Silver becoming part of the cultural consciousness. Treasure Island is a coming-of-age story that will captivate both adults and children for as long as stories are told. This edition contains: note on the text, notes, appendix, extra material for young readers including 'Famous Pirates in History', test yourself and glossary.

2046 Руб.

Stevenson Robert Louis The Treasure of Franchard and Other Tales and Fables ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Stevenson Robert Louis The Treasure of Franchard and Other Tales and Fables

Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, travel writer, and essayist. His most famous works are "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Now he is one of the most translated authors in the world. This volume includes amazing short stories like "The Treasure of Franchard," "Ollala," and "Thrawn Janet."

879 Руб.

Stevenson R. The Treasure of Franchard and Other Tales and Fables = Клад под развалинами Франшарского монастыря и другие рассказы и басни: на англ.яз ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Stevenson R. The Treasure of Franchard and Other Tales and Fables = Клад под развалинами Франшарского монастыря и другие рассказы и басни: на англ.яз

Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, travel writer, and essayist. His most famous works are "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". Now he is one of the most translated authors in the world. This volume includes amazing short stories like "The Treasure of Franchard", "Ollala" and "Thrawn Janet."

639 Руб.

Stevenson R. The Treasure of Franchard and Other Tales and Fables = Клад под развалинами Франшарского монастыря и другие рассказы и басни: на англ.яз ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Stevenson R. The Treasure of Franchard and Other Tales and Fables = Клад под развалинами Франшарского монастыря и другие рассказы и басни: на англ.яз

Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, travel writer, and essayist. His most famous works are "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". Now he is one of the most translated authors in the world. This volume includes amazing short stories like "The Treasure of Franchard", "Ollala" and "Thrawn Janet."

639 Руб.

Young Robyn Kingdom ключ на pathfinder wrath of the righteous – the treasure of the midnight isles [xbox one xbox x s]
Young Robyn Kingdom

The epic conclusion to the Insurrection trilogy. First published on the 700th anniversary of the pivotal event in Scottish history, the epic story of Robert Bruce comes to a climax at the Battle of Bannockburn. Robert has achieved his great ambition to be crowned King of Scotland, but in doing so has provoked the wrath of the new king of England, Edward II. Raising the feared dragon banner, Edward marches north, determined to recapture the kingdom. But the English are not Robert's only enemies, and he is forced to flee after murdering his great rival John Comyn, splitting the kingdom apart. Robert has a crown, but no country, the will to lead, but no real authority. Fighting from hidden strongholds and the Western Isles, with the support of a few brave men and the alluring noblewoman, Christiana, Robert drives towards Bannockburn where an epic confrontation with Edward will decide the future of Scotland.

2058 Руб.

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