
ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings

Vincent van Gogh's story is one of the most ironic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) pairs a detailed monograph on his life and art with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings.

2941 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Van Gogh ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther Ingo F. Van Gogh

From the early gloom-laden paintings to the works of his final years under a southern sun in Arles "This man will either go insane or leave us all far behind," prophesied the great Impressionist Camille Pissarro. The man was Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), a vicar's son born at Groot-Zundert near Breda in Holland, who at that time was struggling to find buyers for his paintings. Van Gogh did indeed go at least to the brink of insanity. And he has long been recognised as one of the greatest modern artists. Van Gogh, who followed a variety of professions before becoming an artist, was a solitary, despairing and self-destructive man his whole life long. His truest friend was his brother Theo, who supported him unstintingly throughout and followed him to the grave just six months later. This richly illustrated study by two experts on van Gogh follows the artist from the early gloom-laden paintings in which he captured the misery of peasants and workers in his home parts, through the bright and colourful paintings he did in Paris, to the work of his final years under a southern sun in Arles, where he at last found the light that produced the unmistakable van Gogh style. At Arles, Saint-Remy and Auvers-sur-Oise, in the feverish burst of creative energy that marked the last two and a half years of his life, he produced the 463 paintings on which his immortality rests. Van Gogh craved recognition during his lifetime but was denied it till after his self-inflicted death. Today he is universally seen as one of the great forerunners of 20th century painting, and one of the tragic masters of art.

1012 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Van Gogh ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther Ingo F. Van Gogh

Le genie torture d’un maitre du post-impressionnisme Aujourd’hui, les ?uvres de Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) sont parmi les plus connues et les plus celebrees dans le monde. Les Tournesols, La Nuit etoilee ou l’Autoportrait a l’oreille bandee, parmi tant d’autres de ses peintures et dessins, laissent transparaitre la dexterite unique de l’artiste a representer les ambiances et les lieux par la peinture, le crayon, le fusain ou le pastel. Pourtant alors qu’il deployait les couleurs vibrantes en touches expressives et les formes au contour delimite qui allaient faire sa renommee, van Gogh luttait contre le desinteret de ses contemporains, mais aussi contre ses crises de folie. Ses episodes de depression et d’angoisse ont finalement eu raison de lui, puisqu’il se suicida en 1890, peu apres son 37e anniversaire. Cette introduction richement illustree retrace la vie de Vincent van Gogh: ses premieres ?uvres figurant paysans et ouvriers agricoles, sa lumineuse periode parisienne et son dernier sursaut creatif, plein de frenesie, durant les deux dernieres annees de sa vie qu’il passa dans le Sud de la France.

5284 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Vincent Van Gogh ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther Ingo F. Vincent Van Gogh

Anguished art: The tortured talents of a post-Impressionist master. Today, the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) are among the most well-known and celebrated in the world. In Sunflowers, The Starry Night, Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, and many, many paintings and drawings beyond, we recognize an artist uniquely dexterous in the portrayal of mood and place through paint, pencil, charcoal, or chalk. Yet as he was deploying the lurid colors, emphatic brushwork, and contoured forms that would subsequently make his name and inspire generations of expressionist artists, van Gogh battled not only the disinterest of his contemporary audience but also devastating bouts of mental illness. His episodes of depression and anxiety would eventually claim his life, when, in 1890, he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This richly illustrated introduction follows Vincent van Gogh's story from his earliest pictures of peasants and rural workers, through his bright Parisian period, to his final, feverish burst of creative energy in the South of France during the last two and a half years of his life.

3151 Руб.

Ingo Walther. Van Gogh ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Ingo Walther. Van Gogh
Бренд: Республика

Today, the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) are among the most well-known and celebrated in the world. In Sunflowers, The Starry Night, Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, and many, many paintings and drawings beyond, we recognize an artist uniquely dexterous in the portrayal of mood and place through paint, pencil, charcoal, or chalk.Yet as he was deploying the lurid colors, emphatic brushwork, and contoured forms that would subsequently make his name and inspire generations of expressionist artists, van Gogh battled not only the disinterest of his contemporary audience but also devastating bouts of mental illness. His episodes of depression and anxiety would eventually claim his life, when, in 1890, he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday.This richly illustrated introduction follows Vincent van Gogh's story from his earliest pictures of peasants and rural workers, through his bright Parisian period, to his final, feverish burst of creative energy in the South of France during the last two and a half years of his life.

2250 Руб.

Walther I.F., Metzger R. Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings (Bibliotheca Universalis) ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther I.F., Metzger R. Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings (Bibliotheca Universalis)

Vincent van Gogh's story is one of the most ironic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction.Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday.This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) pairs a detailed monograph on his life and art with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings.

2677 Руб.

Walther I.F., Metzger R. Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings (Bibliotheca Universalis) ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther I.F., Metzger R. Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings (Bibliotheca Universalis)

Vincent van Gogh's story is one of the most ironic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction.Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday.This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) pairs a detailed monograph on his life and art with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings.

2677 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. L'Œuvre complet - Peinture ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. L'Œuvre complet - Peinture

Genie et angoisse existentielle d’un maitre de l’expressionnisme L’histoire de Vincent van Gogh est l’une des plus tragiques de l’histoire de l’art. Aujourd’hui, le monde entier le considere comme un des peintres les plus importants de tous les temps : les expositions qui lui sont consacrees font fureur, les plus grands musees lui rendent hommage et ses ?uvres battent des records aux encheres en se vendant des dizaines de millions de dollars. Mais alors qu’il peignait les toiles qui deviendraient ces chefs-d’?uvre modernes que l’on s’arrache, Van Gogh luttait non seulement contre le desinteret de ses contemporains, mais aussi contre des acces de folie, avec des episodes de depression et d’angoisse paralysante qui l’ont finalement conduit au suicide en 1890, peu apres son 37e anniversaire. Cette etude globale consacree a Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) rassemble une monographie detaillee de sa vie et de son ?uvre accompagnee d’un catalogue complet de ses 871 tableaux.

4579 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. L'œuvre complet - Peinture ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. L'œuvre complet - Peinture

L’?uvre fascinante d’une ame tourmentee Aujourd’hui, l’?uvre de Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890) est l’une des plus connues et appreciees dans le monde. On reconnait, dans des peintures comme Les Tournesols, La Nuit etoilee ou Autoportrait a l’oreille bandee, la patte unique d’un artiste doue pour figurer les matieres et la lumiere, saisir une atmosphere et un instant. Pourtant, sa vie durant, Van Gogh s’est battu contre l’indifference de ses contemporains, et contre des crises devastatrices d’instabilite mentale. Ses episodes de depression et d’anxiete ont pu causer son deces, quand, en 1890, il finit par se suicider a 37 ans. Cette etude d’ensemble de l’?uvre de Vincent Van Gogh offre un catalogue exhaustif de ses 871 tableaux, accompagnes d’ecrits et de textes qui retracent la vie et l’?uvre de celui qui continue de dominer l’art, encore aujourd’hui.

6869 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. Tout l'œuvre peint ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. Tout l'œuvre peint

Genie et angoisse existentielle d’un talent torture De nos jours, les ?uvres de Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) sont parmi les plus celebres et reconnues dans le monde. Ces peintures telles que les Tournesols, La Nuit etoilee ou l’Autoportrait a l’oreille bandee revelent un artiste a l’habilete unique pour figurer les matieres et ambiances, la lumiere et les lieux. Pourtant, van Gogh s’est battu toute sa vie contre le desinteret de ses contemporains, mais aussi contre des acces de folie devastateurs. Ses episodes de depression et d’angoisse auront finalement raison de sa vie puisqu’il se suicida en 1890, a l’age tout juste de 37 ans. Cette vaste etude de Vincent van Gogh offre le catalogue complet de ses 871 peintures, reunies aux cotes d'ecrits et d’essais, qui retracent la vie et l’?uvre d’un maitre qui domine encore et toujours l’art.

11447 Руб.

Making Van Gogh ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Making Van Gogh

Making van Gogh focuses on the oeuvre of Vincent van Gogh in the context of its reception. The publication examines the particular role which German gallerists, collectors, critics and museums played in the story of his success. At the same time it sheds light on the importance of van Gogh as a role model for the avant-garde generation of artists. "Van Gogh is dead, but the van Gogh-chaps are alive! And how alive they are! It is van Goghing everywhere", was how Ferdinand Avenarius described it in 1910 in the magazine Der Kunstwart. Vincent van Gogh's paintings exerted a particular fascination on young artists in Germany at the beginning of the twentieth century. Barely fifteen years after his death the Dutch artist was seen as one of the most important forerunners of modern painting. A selection of key works from all van Gogh's creative phases are juxtaposed with works by Max Beckmann, Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Gabriele Munter, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff and others.

6796 Руб.

Ingo F. Walther. Gauguin ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Ingo F. Walther. Gauguin
Бренд: Республика

Поль Гоген (1848–1903) не нуждался в финансах. Он также не продержался особенно долго во французском флоте или продавцом брезента в Копенгагене, который не говорил по-датски. Он начал рисовать в свободное время в 1873 году, а в 1876 году принял участие в парижском Салоне. Три года спустя он выставлялся вместе с Писсарро, Дега и Моне. Склочный, запойный человек, Гоген часто называл себя дикарем. Его близкая, но опасная дружба с таким же темпераментным Винсентом Ван Гогом достигла апогея в жестоком инциденте в 1888 году, когда Ван Гог якобы столкнул Гогена с лезвием бритвы, а затем отрезал себе ухо. Вскоре после этого, после завершения шедевра середины карьеры «Видение после проповеди» (1888), Гоген отправился на Таити с намерением избежать «всего искусственного и условного» люди, и фигуративные изображения взлетели, стимулируя обильный выпуск картин и гравюр. В таких работах, как «Женщина с цветком» (Vahine no te Tiare, 1891) и «Священная весна: сладкие сны» (Nave Nave Moe, 1894), он разработал отчетливый примитивистский стиль, буквально источающий солнечный свет и цвет. В традициях экзотической чувственности его густые, маслянистые мазки краски задерживались, в частности, на изгибах таитянских женщин. Гоген умер в одиночестве на соседних с Таити Маркизских островах, многие из его личных бумаг и вещей были распроданы на местном аукционе. Только когда толковый арт-дилер начал курировать и показывать работы Гогена в Париже, глубокое влияние художника стало ощущаться, особенно среди нового поколения французских художников-авангардистов, таких как Пикассо и Матисс. Поистине яркая жизнь художника, от импрессионистских салонов Парижа 1870-х годов до его последних дней в Тихом океане, продуктивная и страстная до самого конца.О серии. Основанная в 1985 году, серия Basic Art превратилась в самую продаваемую коллекцию книг по искусству из когда-либо изданных. Каждая книга серии TASCHEN «Основное искусство» содержит: подробное хронологическое изложение жизни и творчества художника, освещающее его или ее культурное и историческое значение, краткую биографию, около 100 иллюстраций с поясняющими подписями.Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) was not cut out for finance. Nor did he last particularly long in the French Navy, or as a tarpaulin salesman in Copenhagen who did not speak Danish. He began painting in his spare time in 1873 and in 1876 took part in the Paris Salon. Three years later, he was exhibiting alongside Pissarro, Degas, and Monet.. . A querulous, hard-drinking individual, Gauguin often called himself a savage. His close but fraught friendship with the similarly temperamental Vincent van Gogh climaxed in a violent incident in 1888, when van Gogh purportedly confronted Gauguin with a razor blade, and later cut off his own ear. Shortly afterwards, following the completion of a midcareer masterpiece Vision After the Sermon (1888), Gauguin took himself to Tahiti, with the intention of escaping “everything that is artificial and conventional…” On Tahiti,...

1856 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Gauguin ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Walther Ingo F. Gauguin

Le regard de Paul Gauguin sur le Pacifique resplendit de couleurs et de lumiere Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) n’etait pas fait pour la finance. Ni pour faire carriere dans la marine francaise, ni pour demeurer vendeur de baches a Copenhague sans parler un mot de danois. C’est dans son temps libre qu’il debuta la peinture en 1873 et participa en 1876 au Salon de Paris. Trois ans plus tard, il etait expose aux cotes de Pissaro, Degas et Monet. Homme bourru, grand buveur, Gauguin se qualifiait lui-meme aussi de sauvage. Son etroite mais difficile amitie avec le tout aussi imprevisible Vincent van Gogh connut un violent epilogue en 1888, quand Van Gogh se defend soi-disant de Gauguin avec une lame de rasoir et, l’instant d’apres, se tranche l’oreille. Peu apres, ayant acheve La vision apres le sermon (1888), chef-d’?uvre marquant le milieu de sa carriere, Gauguin decide de partir pour Tahiti avec l’intention d’echapper a «tout ce qui est artificiel et conventionnel…» Sur place, Gauguin jouit sans entraves de la nature de l’ile, des autochtones et de la profusion des images qui lui inspirent une production foisonnante de peintures et de gravures. A travers des ?uvres comme La femme a la fleur (Vahine no te Tiare, 1891) ou Joie de se reposer (Nave Nave Moe, 1894), il developpe un style particulier, primitif, rayonnant intensement de lumiere et de couleurs. Dans la tradition de la sensualite exotique, ses coups de pinceau denses, debordant de peinture, epousent et s’attardent sur les courbes des tahitiennes. Gauguin meurt seul, sur les iles Marquises voisines de Tahiti, la plupart de ses affaires ayant ete dispersees dans des ventes aux encheres locales. Il a fallu attendre qu’un habile marchand d’art commence a collectionner et a montrer l’?uvre de Gauguin a Paris pour que la profonde influence du peintre se fasse reellement sentir, notamment aupres de la nouvelle generation des artistes francais d’avant-garde, tels que Picasso et Matisse. Cet ouvrage presente un apercu essentiel de l’univers de l’artiste, si riche en couleurs, depuis les Salons impressionnistes parisiens des annees 1870 jusqu’a la fin de sa vie, productive et passionnee, dans le Pacifique.

3435 Руб.

Van Gogh. The Passionate Eye ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Van Gogh. The Passionate Eye

Through his intense vision Van Gogh was able to create paintings that speak directly to us all, and today this disturbed and rejected misfit is the most universally loved of all artists. The story of his thirty seven years of poverty, loneliness and failure is in fact a triumphant saga of absolute dedication and the final realization of genius. This extravagantly illustrated volume in the hugely popular New Horizons series, includes the story of his life; his relationships with his brother Theo and contemporaries such as Toulouse-Lautrec, Pissarro and Gauguin; his descent into madness and his eventual suicide. As well as the many reproductions of paintings and drawings by Van Gogh and his contemporaries, extensive documentary evidence includes extracts from his letters, critical writings and documentary photographs.

1324 Руб.

Dickins Rosie Famous Paintings. Magic Painting Book ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Dickins Rosie Famous Paintings. Magic Painting Book

Fun, educational and easy, this latest addition to the best-selling series features 16 fabulous paintings by Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet and more. Just brush water over the black-and-white outlines to make each picture burst magically into colour. Published with London's world-famous National Gallery.

1536 Руб.

Thomson Belinda Van Gogh Paintings. The Masterpieces ingo f walther van gogh the complete paintings
Thomson Belinda Van Gogh Paintings. The Masterpieces

A dazzling selection of Van Gogh's most famous paintings, as well as some lesser-known masterpieces, many drawn from the collection of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. Nearly 130 years after his death, Vincent van Gogh continues to exert a powerful fascination over viewers and historians. This superb book offers readers a selection of the artist's most unforgettable canvases, as well as some lesser-known examples, many drawn from the collection of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The volume explores the works in the context of Van Gogh's short but brilliant career, in which frequent spells of isolation were paired with lively engagement with his peers and the popular ideas of his time. Additionally, Van Gogh's continuous stream of letters written to family and friends-one of the most important archival resources of nineteenth-century art-provides a narrative thread around which this study develops. In the text, art historian Belinda Thomson considers Van Gogh as a cosmopolitan figure who combined his art experiences and native traditions absorbed in Holland and in Victorian England, and later succeeded in making his mark upon the painting scene in France at one of its richest periods. This book will be a welcome resource for art lovers, offering a different take on one of history's most interesting artists. 170 color illustrations

4316 Руб.

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